CNN Achieves Rank of Masterclass Propaganda on Healthcare

CNN  continuously produces human interest pieces in opposition to Trump. In the daytime hour this usually entails exploiting  children. Stay-at-home mom watch CNN in the mornings and moms like kids. That appears to be CNN’s thought pattern. The two videos linked above are prime examples of how the network skillfully tries to woo moms away from Trump.

In the video below, CNN takes a person’s misfortune, and gracefully weaves her story into a story about the healthcare debate of which her tale has nothing to do with.

This mother has no idea what she is talking about in relation to the healthcare debate. Her situation would be exactly the same without Obamacare, with Obamacare or with Trumpcare. Yes, it is equally plausible that the mom is a willing participant in this farce. She totally avoided the question about the effect the [proposed Republican] bill would have on her because the answer is zero, none, nada, absolutely no effect.

Tears, kids, a desperate plea from a mom. Cheers CNN, you truly are a masterclass propagandist. And don’t think we haven’t noticed what gender host you cleverly choose to do these stories every time, you sexists.
