Journalists Forgo Independence As SCOTUS Seat Opens

All the ramifications of the Trump presidency will not be fully understood until his presidency is in the past. One effect, the alarming rate at which journalists have ceased to feign independence, is a tragedy, or a blessing, depending on your point of view. Those who have noticed the hidden agenda of the left-wing press for the past few decades are happy to see them exposed.

Still, every so often it amazes me how the press no longer even tries. Dan Rather is no longer an active member of the press but he stands as a respected journalist emeritus in high esteem. Here is what he said about the Supreme Court tilting to the right:

Rather than Tweet, stay quiet

Keep in mind that is a SCOTUS  pick that Mitt Romney would have made. This is not a Trump faux pas or a crazy earth shattering new Trump policy. However the press voicing their bias is so humdrum that a beacon of independence openly states that the court tilting right is the end of democracy. Let that sink in. The man feeding us news for decades feels that conservative ideas are the end of democracy. Unbelievable, and he has no shame in doing this publicly.

He may as well be as unhinged as CNN Legal expert Jeffrey Toobin who sees the apocalypse in our future.

Toobin Unhinged



Did CNN Leak Their Plan To Attack Trump’s Afghanistan Policy?

Graphic courtesy of

CNN is circling their prey as they lie in wait for tonight’s unveiling of Trump’s Afghanistan strategy. The President has two distinct options: withdraw from Afghanistan or stay and continue the war. CNN will remain in a holding pattern all day and not offer any preference via anchors or pundits so they are free to attack whichever option Trump chooses.

If Trump chooses to withdraw they will attack. CNN, and the democratic strategists, have a few game plans to go with and likely will start with all of them and wait to see which sticks:

  1. Bannon influence still running the White House
  2. First US President to lose a war (surrender)
  3. Trump wasting the sacrifice of so many soldiers
  4. Flip flopping on promise to fight terrorism
  5. Not listening to generals (White House in disarray)
  6. Trump doesn’t have the stomach for war and he will look weak to our enemies

If Trump chooses to stay he will also be attacked. Once again CNN, and the democratic strategists, have a few game plans to go with and will likewise start with all of them and see which sticks:

  1. Trump letting generals run White House
  2. Trump will get soldiers killed for no reason
  3. Flip flopping on promise of a withdrawal
  4. Attack announced strategy of an unwinnable war
All Hail CNN

As we discussed earlier, the main goal of CNN is to chip away support of “the base.” So if we had to guess their favored outcome, we would go with stay in Afghanistan. CNN can then really focus on the betrayal of his base. If the network had any integrity this would be difficult for them. As avid Hillary supporters, CNN aligns strongly with the philosophy of retaining a military presence in Afghanistan, but if Trump chooses that option they have to go with their higher calling; shitting on Trump.


Which POTUS actually infringed upon Freedom of the Press?

CNN reporter

The fist amendment is oft misunderstood and misquoted. It even befuddled all-star reporter Jim Acosta. The amendment protects various rights from being infringed upon by the government, that’s the gist of it. One such right is the freedom of the press. But Jim Acosta interprets it to mean that he is entitled to have his every question answered and he gets his answers on video, else he feels the constitution is under attack. Per Jim, the government declining to do an on-camera presser is a “ban.”

I tweet therefore I am

However, breaking news, new emails released today, by the ACLJ, show how a government can trample on the founders. Apparently, the FBI prevented a reporter from taking pictures of Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch who were caught meeting in a public airport. The difference between the Obama and Trump administration’s actions are distinct. Sarah Sanders did not take anyone’s “rights” away, she didn’t agree to answer questions on camera. The Obama AG had the FBI prohibit taking pictures in public and literally infringed on a basic right of the press.

According to the ACLU, snapping pics in public is a right, and in my opinion, actively taking this right away from the press is quite the transgression. Gee whiz, what was she hiding that she allegedly ordered armed agents to stifle a photojournalist?

The true tragedy of not having an impartial press is not the opinionated biased manufactured coverage of Trump. The danger is how they are apathetic to democrats and how they treated Obama like a star quarterback wearing a red shirt at practice.


Loretta Lynch

If she is ever called before congress, I know what I would ask, and my question would come directly from her public statements. “You said your husband was there, did you ask him to leave at any point and why?” “What did you mean when you qualified your statement saying it was primarily social, what part wasn’t social?”
